Flat and Material Design


Hello friends, welcome to my blog.

We discuss today about the latest trends of web design i.e. Flat and Material Design.

Flat Design Material Design
reduces the loading time of the web page. It  look equally engaging on both low-resolution as well as high-resolution screens. an improved version of flat design. It gives stress on subtle detailing such as layers, shades, animations, etc. Navigation becomes much easier with the use of this design.

What is Flat Design?

Flat design is a user interface design that uses simple, two-dimensional elements and bright colors. It was mainly developed for responsive design. With the use of simple shapes and minimal textures, it ensures that responsive designs work well and load fast. It is popular after the release of Windows 8, Apple’s iOS 7, and Google’s Material Design, they use this flat design. Flat-Design


Ease to use All users are not comfortable with the style of interface and don’t always know what and where to click.
Modern appearance Modern Color Palettes Can be Tough to Match
Efficient responsive design Asper depend of use it can look too simple.
Fast loading time
Feels like more honest.

What is Material Design?

Material Design is a design language which was developed by Google in 2014. This design has a clean and consistent look for mobile apps and Web pages across different platforms, using bold and colorful graphics. The following picture shows interactive experiences for Google’s Material Design Principles. material-design

Material Design



It is very much user-friendly and easier. It is a very good choice for users. Its Google’s property. It can be impossible to change something without permission from the rights holder.
Skeuomorphic elements which are used for improving UX Designers are bound by Google’s rules in material style. In near future,, this fact may stop the development of this style.
Its developer-friendly. Google also provide a guideline for developers.

So, which design is better?

Flat and Material design concepts are very close.  They both are very clean and user-friendly. Both are very trendy and they have their own place based on the purpose of what you are building.


If we want to develop a mobile app to build something simple and more user-friendly, the Flat Design concept is right. But if you want to build a fancy app with animations and attractive UI/UX, you need to use Material Design concept.